Pesarattu is a First Crowd Funded Telugu movie directed by Mahesh Kathi produced by Srinivans Gunishetty, Eeddupuganti Seshagari, DG Sukumar. Lead Cast includes Nandu, Nikitha Narayan and others. The making is inspired by the Flow cam technology which was introduced by RGV in his recent release ‘Ice Cream’. The film is on a marriage backdrop where the ‘Pesarattu’ becomes the crux of the plot. Let us wait and see how will be the taste of this south Indian Delicacy ‘Pesarattu
Pesarattu team has also anounced that Burning star Sampoornesh babu who had been talk of the tollywood for a while would give guest appearance in this movie
Nikitha Narayan is playing lead role opposite nandu
Here is a pic of the movie
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